Please note you will not receive automatic access to the e-learning course, you will receive an email from us with instructions on how to access the course. We will aim to send this to you within 2 working days.
When applying for the course we will require an individual email address per delegate.
In the last decade the threats to our society have multiplied and evolved in many ways. Terrorist organisations have transferred their fight from Iraq and Afghanistan to our back garden, Europe – and we have seen the damage that a small number of determined individuals can do.
Target Audience
The course is aimed at teachers, administrators and support staff in schools and early years settings. It gives them an overview of what to expect and how to act in a lockdown situation and is intended to inform and prepare staff rather than alarm them.
Being prepared and knowing how to handle an emergency situation can be invaluable as it means that proactive positive action can be taken to protect yourself and others in your care.
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