Our early years training courses provide high quality, affordable training, delivered to meet the needs of our customers. We know and understand that early years providers work long hours and have designed our courses with this in mind. Our courses are often therefore delivered in the evenings and at weekends as well as during the daytime
Our First Aid courses are awarded by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB). Our safeguarding courses are endorsed and quality assured by a number of Greater Manchester Local Authority, Local Safeguarding Children Boards.
Collaboration with our colleague Mine Conkbayir means that we deliver neuroscience informed training. Trainers are supported by Mine’s extensive knowledge and research on brain development in young children. Elements of this important topic are featured in our safeguarding, babies and behaviour themed training.
We frequently deliver ‘in house’ training for those settings who have groups of staff wanting to train together. Our in-house courses cost £350 for up to 15 staff and then £15 per person per head for up to 25 at any one time based on a 2.5 – 3 hour course. Prices exclude First Aid and some of our longer courses. Please ask for further details if you are interested in this.
Collaborative Hubs are becoming a popular model for delivering training to a number of settings coming together to access training collectively and in a cost effective way. Courses can be selected from our wide range of themes to suit the needs of the settings within the collaborative. This enables smaller settings to work together with colleagues in their geographic area and share costs and best practice. Find out more here.